Approving Group Membership & Enrolling Students
Enrollments can be completed on the Manage Group page of your CareerSafe Campus.
Approve And Enroll Group Code Join Requests
Once a member has requested to join the group, they’ll be listed as “Pending” in the table on the Members Tab of your Manage Group page for that group. When you approve members, you’ll have the option to also enroll them in a course.
Join requests will be listed under the Open Tasks notification on your CareerSafe Campus Home page. You can click View Group next to the request notification, or you can access the Manage Group page.
How do I approve join request and enroll a single student?
- Click the More Actions icon at the right end of the member’s row in the Member table.
- Click Approve on the popover menu.
- Click the Approve & Continue button on the “Approve Requests” modal.
- Choose a product from the modal drop-down.
Single-course product (e.g., OSHA 10-Hour Construction):- Review the “Confirm Enrollments” modal and click the Enroll button.
- Select the course(s) you’d like to enroll the members in.
- Review the “Confirm Enrollments” modal and click the Enroll button.

How do I bulk approve join requests and enroll multiple students?
- Select the checkboxes next to pending members you’d like to approve.
- Click the Approve button that appears above the Members table.
- Click the Approve & Continue button on the “Approve Requests” modal.
- Choose a product from the modal drop-down.
Note: Products will show how many seats are available. The number will be grayed out if you don’t have enough seats for the number of members you’ve selected to enroll.
Single-course product (e.g., OSHA 10-Hour Construction):- Review the “Confirm Enrollments” modal and click the Enroll button.
- Select the course(s) you’d like to enroll the members in.
- Review the “Confirm Enrollments” modal and click the Enroll button.

Enroll Active Members From The Members Tab
With this enrollment path, you start with the list of Active group members and select the products you’d like to enroll those members in.
How do I enroll an existing group member in a course?
- Click the More Actions icon at the right end of the member’s row in the Member table.
- Click Enroll on the popover menu.
- Choose a product from the modal drop-down.
Single-course product (e.g., OSHA 10-Hour Construction):- Review the “Confirm Enrollments” modal and click the Enroll button.
- Select the course(s) you’d like to enroll the members in.
- Review the “Confirm Enrollments” modal and click the Enroll button.

How do I bulk enroll existing multiple group members in a course?
- Select the checkboxes next to the students you'd like to enroll.
- Click the Enroll button that appears above the Members table.
- Choose a product from the modal drop-down.
Single-course product (e.g., OSHA 10-Hour Construction):- Review the “Confirm Enrollments” modal and click the Enroll button.
- Select the course(s) you’d like to enroll the members in.
- Review the “Confirm Enrollments” modal and click the Enroll button.

Enroll Active Members From The Seats Tab
You can also enroll students from the Seats Tab of your Manage Group page. With this enrollment path, you start with the list of products you have available and select the students you’d like to enroll in those seats.

Click the Enroll button at the right end of the row for the desired product.
Single-course product (e.g., OSHA 10-Hour Construction):
- Select the checkboxes next to the members you’d like to enroll.
- Click the Enroll button.
Multi-course product (e.g., OSHA 10-Hour Library or Employability Skills):
- Select the course(s) you’d like to enroll members in via the drop-down.
- Click the Next button.
- Select the checkboxes next to the members you’d like to enroll.
- Click the Enroll button.
Note: The number of seats available at the top of the modal will decrease as you select members who are not currently taking up a seat.
Unenrolling Members From Courses
You can unenroll students from the Seats Tab of your Manage Group page.
Note: The following conditions must be met for unenrollment:
- the enrolled student has completed less than 50% of the course content;
- the seat is not expired (i.e., the course enrollment end date for the seat has not passed);
- the student enrolled in the seat has not previously had the course reset; and
- the seat is not in a third-party course (e.g., OSHA 30-Hour Construction, HAZWOPER, First Aid).
To unenroll a student who meets these conditions:
- Find the correct course and click the Down Arrow icon to view the names of students enrolled in that course.
- Click the More Actions icon at the right end of the member’s information row.
- Click Unenroll on the popover menu.
- Click the Unenroll button on the Unenroll Modal that appears.